Roland Dahinden (born 2 May 1962) is a Swiss trombonist and composer.
He was born in Zug, Switzerland.
He studied the trombone and composition at Musikhochschule Graz with Erich Kleinschuster and Georg Friedrich Haas, at Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Florenz with Vinko Globokar).
He earned an MA at Wesleyan University in Connecticut (1994), studying with Anthony Braxton, Alvin Lucier and a PhD at Birmingham University, England (2002), studying with Vic Hoyland.
In 2003, he was awarded the "werkjahr" prize of the art council of the Canton of Zug, Switzerland.
He is married to the pianist Hildegard Kleeb, whom he has worked with as a duo since 1987.
Since 1992 he has worked as a trio with violinist Dimitrios Polisoidis.
As a trombonist he specializes in the performance of contemporary music and improvisation/jazz.
He has given concerts throughout Europe, America and Asia.