Roland Dahinden, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Roland Dahinden

Swiss musician

Date of Birth: 02-May-1962

Place of Birth: Zug, Central Switzerland, Switzerland

Profession: composer, jazz musician

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Roland Dahinden

  • Roland Dahinden (born 2 May 1962) is a Swiss trombonist and composer. He was born in Zug, Switzerland.
  • He studied the trombone and composition at Musikhochschule Graz with Erich Kleinschuster and Georg Friedrich Haas, at Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Florenz with Vinko Globokar).
  • He earned an MA at Wesleyan University in Connecticut (1994), studying with Anthony Braxton, Alvin Lucier and a PhD at Birmingham University, England (2002), studying with Vic Hoyland.
  • In 2003, he was awarded the "werkjahr" prize of the art council of the Canton of Zug, Switzerland. He is married to the pianist Hildegard Kleeb, whom he has worked with as a duo since 1987.
  • Since 1992 he has worked as a trio with violinist Dimitrios Polisoidis. As a trombonist he specializes in the performance of contemporary music and improvisation/jazz.
  • He has given concerts throughout Europe, America and Asia.
  • Composers such as Peter Ablinger, Maria de Alvear, Anthony Braxton, John Cage, Peter Hansen, Hauke Harder, Bernhard Lang, Joelle LĂ©andre, Alvin Lucier, Chris Newman, Pauline Oliveros, Hans Otte, Lars Sandberg, Wolfgang von Schweinitz, Daniel Wolf and Christian Wolff have written especially for him.
  • In 2005, the CD Silberen was picked as one of the 'Top Classical Albums of the Year 2004' by The New Yorker. As a composer he collaborated with visual artists Guido Baselgia, Andreas Brandt, StĂ©phane Brunner, Daniel Buren, Rudolf de Crignis, Philippe DelĂ©glise, Inge Dick, Rainer Grodnick, Sol LeWitt, Lisa Schiess, with the architects Morger & Degelo, and with the author Eugen Gomringer. His exhibitions with sound installation and sculptors are shown in Europe and America.

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