Henry Graybill Lamar, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Henry Graybill Lamar

American politician

Date of Birth: 10-Jul-1798

Date of Death: 10-Sep-1861

Profession: judge, lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Henry Graybill Lamar

  • Henry Graybill Lamar (July 10, 1798 – September 10, 1861) was a United States Representative, lawyer and jurist from Georgia. Lamar was born in Clinton, Georgia, in 1798.
  • He studied law, gained admittance to the state bar and practiced law in Macon, Georgia.
  • He served as a state superior court judge before being elected to the Georgia House of Representatives. In 1828, Lamar was elected as a Jacksonian Representative from Georgia to the 21st United States Congress to fill the remainder of the term for the vacant seat resulting from the resignation of George Rockingham Gilmer.
  • Lamar was reelected to the 22nd Congress and served in total from December 7, 1829, to March 3, 1833.
  • He lost his reelection campaign for the 23rd Congress in 1832.
  • Lamar also ran an unsuccessful Georgia gubernatorial campaign in 1857 and served as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia.
  • He died in Macon on September 10, 1861, and was buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in that same city.

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