Hermann Askan Demme, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hermann Askan Demme

German-Swiss physician

Date of Birth: 28-Aug-1802

Place of Birth: Altenburg, Thuringia, Germany

Date of Death: 18-Jan-1867

Profession: physician, surgeon, university teacher

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Hermann Askan Demme

  • Hermann Askan Demme (* 28 August 1802 in Altenburg; † 18 January 1867 in Bern) was a German-Swiss physician. Demme was the son of Hermann Gottfried, Generalsuperintendent of Sachsen-Altenburg.
  • At first, he studied philosophy and theology in Jena and Berlin.
  • 1822 he entered the Jenaischen Burschenschaft.
  • He finished his studies 1830 and became assistant to Johann Lukas Schönlein.
  • 1831 he was a military doctor in Warschau, 1832 he visited the United States of America. In 1833, Demme married Marie Lucie Elisabeth Auguste Diruf (1808-1882) from Heidelberg.
  • They had one daughter and three sons.
  • In the same year, he became professor for anatomy at the University of Zurich and 1834 he became professor at the University of Bern.
  • 1847 he was the first in the German-speaking world to perform surgery using ether for anesthesia.

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