Isiah Leggett, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Isiah Leggett

American politician

Date of Birth: 25-Jul-1944

Place of Birth: Deweyville, Texas, United States

Profession: politician, official

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Isiah Leggett

  • Isiah "Ike" Leggett (born July 25, 1944) is an American politician from the U.S.
  • state of Maryland and former executive of Montgomery County, Maryland.
  • He is a member of the Democratic Party. Born in Deweyville, Texas, Leggett attended Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and, after serving in the Vietnam War with the U.S.
  • Army, earned a law degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C.
  • In 1986, he became the first African-American elected to the county council in Montgomery County, Maryland and served on the council through 2002. For two years, Leggett served as the chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party before leaving that position to run for office once again.
  • Leggett was elected County Executive of Montgomery County in 2006, the first African-American to hold that office.

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