Larissa Grunig, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Larissa Grunig

Public relations theorist

Date of Birth: 28-Apr-1946

Place of Birth: Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Larissa Grunig

  • Dr.
  • Larissa "Lauri" A.
  • Grunig (born April 28, 1946) is a public relations theorist and feminist, and she is known as one of the most published and influential scholars in public relations.
  • A professor emerita at the University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Communication, Grunig taught public relations and communication research since 1979.
  • Based on a content analysis of three academic journals (Public Relations Review, Journal of Public Relations Research and its precursor, Public Relations Research Annual) from their foundation through the year 2000, Grunig was recognized as one of the five most prolific authors contributing to public relations theory development.
  • Her research focuses on public relations, development communication, communication theory, gender issues, organizational response to activism, organization power and structure, ethics, philosophy, scientific and technical writing, and qualitative methodology.

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