Francis Latreille, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Francis Latreille

American photographer

Date of Birth: 08-Jan-1948

Place of Birth: Poilly-lez-Gien, Centre-Val de Loire, France

Profession: photographer, painter

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Francis Latreille

  • Francis Latreille (born January 8, 1948) is a French American artist and photographer who was awarded World Press Photo Award in Amsterdam in 1998 and since 1977 distributed his works in three continents such as Asia, Europe and North America.
  • His works have been published in magazines such as Life, Time, and Newsweek, among others.
  • He also had two exhibition in Washington D.C.
  • one of which was in 2000, the other was three years later.
  • In 1995 he left France Soir newspaper and since 1998 he participated in the mammoth explorations in Siberia.

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