Carlo Allioni, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Carlo Allioni

Italian physician and professor of botany

Date of Birth: 23-Sep-1728

Place of Birth: Turin, Piedmont, Italy

Date of Death: 30-Jul-1804

Profession: physician, physicist, pedagogue, university teacher, botanist, entomologist

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Carlo Allioni

  • Carlo Allioni (23 September 1728 in Turin – 30 July 1804 in Turin) was an Italian physician and professor of botany at the University of Turin.
  • His most important work was Flora Pedemontana, sive enumeratio methodica stirpium indigenarum Pedemontii 1755, a study of the plant world in Piedmont, in which he listed 2813 species of plants, of which 237 were previously unknown.
  • In 1766, he published the Manipulus Insectorum Tauriniensium. In April, 1758 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.He was appointed extraordinary professor of botany at the University of Turin in 1760 and was also the director of the Turin Botanical Garden.
  • The journal Allionia: bollettino dell' istituto ed orto botanico dell' universitĂ  di Torino is named after him.First Pehr Löfling and then Linnaeus named the New World herb genus Allionia (Nyctaginaceae) after Allioni.
  • Per Axel Rydberg named the genus Allioniella (now Mirabilis), after him.
  • Also named after him are: Arabis allionii Jovibarba allioni Primula allioni Veronica allionii

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