Gans (July 14, 1950), also known as Baba Ram Puri -ji is an American born Sadhu.
He claims to be the first westerner to become a Naga Sadhu, having been initiated in 1970.
He is the author of the 2010 Destiny Books published book Autobiography of a Sadhu: A Journey into Mystic India, originally published in 2005 by Harmony/Bell Tower as Baba: Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Yogi, and now released by Amarpuri Wellness in 2016 as Autobiography of a Sadhu: An Angrez among Naga Babas which has also been translated into German, Russian, Czech, Croatian, and Serbian.
He was initiated into the religious order the Naga Sannyasis after traveling to India on a spiritual quest from his native California in 1969, at the age of 18.
Like many Sadhus, he has stopped using his birth name since his initiation, refuses to give it, and is unwilling to talk about his past.
He is Shri Mahant at Shri Panch Dashnam Juna Akhara (The Sacred Juna Akhara of the Ten Names).