Navdeep Asija (born in Fazilka, Punjab, India) is the founder of dial-a-cycle rickshaw concept known as Ecocabs and won the 2011 National Award of Excellence by Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.Asija has done his doctorate in the area of road safety from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and recently appointed by the Punjab and Haryana High Court as traffic advisor for the state of Punjab and been associated with Home Affairs and Justice, State of Punjab, India
Asija's largest impact is in the development of the Ecocab concept, which is a dial-a-cycle-rickshaw equivalent to normal cab services accomplished with gasoline-powered automobiles.
The recent development of advanced IT tools and the spread of cell phones have made it possible to balance the supply and demand of passengers and rickshaw taxis via a distributed fleet and automation.
Asija demonstrated the concept of Ecocabs first in Fazilka, a district headquarters of the Punjab State, which is located near India-Pakistan Border.The rickshaw program decreased greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the use of fossil fuels for transporting passengers, while at the same time reducing the startup costs for entrepreneurs performing taxi services.