Firdausi Qadri, Date of Birth


Firdausi Qadri

Bangladeshi scientist

Date of Birth: 31-Mar-1951

Profession: scientist

Nationality: Pakistan, Bangladesh

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Firdausi Qadri

  • Firdausi Qadri (born March 31, 1951) is a Bangladeshi scientist with specialization in immunology and infectious disease research.
  • She has worked over 25 years on the development of vaccines for cholera and has expertise on other infectious disease like ETEC, Typhoid, Helicobacter pylori, rotavirus, etc.
  • Currently, she is working as a director for Centre for Vaccine Sciences of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease and Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b).
  • She also serves as chairperson of the Institute for developing Science and Health initiatives.
  • Her scientific achievements lie in enteric infections and vaccines including Vibrio cholerae and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli—major causes of severe diarrhea.
  • She has also focused on studying the immune response in H.pylori infected people in Bangladesh and the responses in patients with typhoid fever as well as vaccinees.

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