Chuck Wilson (born February 8, 1954) is an award-winning interviewer, reporter and sports talk radio host.
Wilson was an original host when the ESPN Radio Network debuted on January 4, 1992, and has 20-years experience on national radio, including close to 17-years at ESPN.
In December, 2009, Sports named Wilson runner-up for “Best National Radio Host” of the decade.Chuck Wilson has long been a proponent of sportsmanship, ethics and fair play.
In 2007, Wilson was named one of the “100 Most Influential Sports Educators in America” by the Institute for International Sport.
His website promotes "the value of giving your best and competing honorably, while bringing a positive, fair-minded approach to everything you do".
Wilson states "There are two things in life we alone control...our effort and our attitude".
Wilson's work on character education includes an unpaid role with 4eProductions.