Humphrey Kimani Njuguna, Date of Birth


Humphrey Kimani Njuguna

Kenyan politician

Date of Birth: 17-Jul-1961

Profession: politician

Nationality: Kenya

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Humphrey Kimani Njuguna

  • DDR.Humphrey Kimani Njuguna (born July 19, 1961) was a member of the National Assembly of Kenya, representing Gatanga (2013-2017).
  • He was elected in 2013.He currently serves as the Chairman of Former Parliamentarians Association (FOPA) an organization that brings all former Kenyan Members of Parliament together since independence. Professionally he is a Licensed & Registered Valuer, Advocate of High Court of Kenya, Arbitrator (MCIArb.), Lead Expert E.I.A and E.A. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND. 2012 - 2017: PhD Law 2010 - 2015: PhD (JKUAT) Entrepreneurship. Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) - 2008 - 2009: JKUAT.
  • Certificate of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit (JKUAT). 2003 - 2005: LLM University of Nairobi - (International Trade and Investment Law) Thesis – Procurement Law in Kenya 2003 - 2005: Diploma (Kenya School of Law) 1999 - 2003: L.L.B.
  • (University of Nairobi) - Upper 2nd Class Honours 1990: Diploma (Institution of Surveyors of Kenya) 1983 - 1986: B.A.
  • (Land Econ), University of Nairobi – Upper 2nd Class Hons 1980 - 1981: K.A.C.E.
  • - Lenana School 1976 - 1979: E.A.C.E.
  • The tendering, and commissioning of; a.Gatiiguru - Macvast - Ithanga Rd. b.
  • Kirwara - Jogoo Kimakia Rd. c.
  • Gatura - Ndakaini Rd. d.
  • Karingaini - Nyaga - Jasho - Mukurwe - Njaini - Gitiri - Mariano Rd....among others... Once these roads are completed, This will be a combined total of 220 km of tarmac, more than what Gatanga has enjoyed since independence. 2.
  • The tendering and commissioning of: a.
  • Chomo and Kimakia water intake b.
  • Water treatment plant at Rwegetha c.
  • Belgian mega water project for Lower Gatanga Once these projects are completed every residence in Gatanga shall have access to clean and adequate drinking water. 3.
  • The renovation and construction of over 80 primary schools. 4.
  • Construction from the ground up of Wanduhi Primary School, Kiangige Primary School, Mwea Primary School, Karangi Secondary School, Giteme Secondary School; 5.
  • Erection of 48 high security masts (mulika mwizi).
  • Transforming Gatanga into one of the most lit up Rural constituencies in Kenya. 6.
  • Construction of 15 boda boda sheds with Inbuilt attendant enabling shops. 7.
  • Purchase of a Toyota Hilux for the D.E.O to help in supervising schools. 8.
  • Purchase of a school bus for Gatanga Primary Schools 9.
  • Purchase of a Toyota Landcruiser for the CDF management office. 10.
  • Construction of a brand new Technical Training Institute at Ndunyu Chege 11.
  • The construction of a level 4 hospital at Ndunyu Chege 12.
  • Construction of over 10 Police housing units at Kirwara 13.
  • Sinking of 3 boreholes 14.
  • Construction of Kiandiu bridge 15.
  • Conclusively dealing with the land ownership problem at Kihiu Mwiri. 16.
  • Sponsored 56 all inclusive medical camps. 17.
  • Sponsored the Gatanga CDF Soccer League 18 Sponsored the licensing of over 3000 Boda Boda Riders 19.
  • Re-instituted the award of bursaries to Gatanga Students 20.
  • Constructed 7 modern markets in various centres across Gatanga that have boosted local Entrepreneurship.

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