Mickey Mehta (born 29 August 1962) is an Indian holistic health, well-being, wellness, and fitness guru.
He is a TV and radio presenter (94.3 Radio One Mumbai and Delhi) and a columnist in various publications and websites.
He preaches the concept of holistic health and equipment free workouts and has done so by establishing a chain of Mickey Mehta Wellness Temples across Mumbai city.
The media often refer to Mickey Mehta as 'India's Leading Holistic Health Guru'.
Mehta also aspires to build the largest social media base across as many platforms possible, to reach out to his audience.
Mehta launches Yo workouts and Wellfie along with the Times of India at Marine Drive at the event of Yoga By The Bay.
I was present with Mickey Mehta when he was invited as a chief guest for Dna iCan Women's Marathon Event held 9th March 2014 at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai. This is entirely my work
Previously published: This picture has been published on Mickey Mehta's Facebook page License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 GFDL