Mahendrajeet Singh, known as Jeet Singh, is an Indian-American business entrepreneur and singer, musician and songwriter.
In 1991 he founded, with business partner Joseph Chung, one of the pioneering software firms in e-commerce, Art Technology Group, (ATG) and took it public in the late '90s.In 2002, Singh left ATG and formed the pop-rock band The Singhs (previously named Dragonfly) with noted Boston musicians Peter Parcek, Br.
Cleve, Steve Scully, and Marc Hickox.
The Singhs have released five albums in the last decade, under their own Redstar Entertainment label, and released their most recent album Science Fiction, with an accompanying iPad app, in June 2013.
In 2011, Singh regrouped with former partner Joe Chung and a third partner, Matt Beecher, to form the venture foundry Redstar Ventures in Boston, which develops ideas into startup companies.
In 2012, Singh also founded Redstar Media, a media company that develops artists and media for the digital realm.
Redstar Media has a live performance venue and recording/internet live streaming facility, Redstar Union, in Kendall Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts