Andy Smith (entrepreneur), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Andy Smith (entrepreneur)


Date of Birth: 09-Jan-1968

Place of Birth: Princeton, New Jersey, United States

Profession: writer, businessperson, entrepreneur

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Andy Smith (entrepreneur)

  • Andy Smith (born January 9, 1968) is an American entrepreneur, start up advisor, and author.
  • He is best known for The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change, which he wrote with his wife, Dr.
  • Jennifer Aaker.
  • Described by the New Yorker as "the first book to explain what happens at the intersection of social media like Twitter, marketing and psychology", The Dragonfly Effect examines how people use social media to connect and form groups that create global change.
  • In 2014, he partnered with Jay Adelson to form Center Electric, an early-stage technology venture capital firm designed to leverage the growth of the Internet of Things.
  • Center Electric was an outgrowth of Smith and Adelson's passion project, Point Option, which develops next generation devices for in-home use.

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