Henry Farrell is an Irish-born political scientist at George Washington University.
He previously taught at the University of Toronto and earned his PhD from Georgetown University.
His research interests include, trust and co-operation; E-commerce; the European Union; and institutional theory.
Farrell is a member of the Crooked Timber group blog.
In this connection, he has been quoted extensively in mass media, including the Christian Science Monitor[1], San Francisco Chronicle[2], Washington Times[3] and the National Journal [4] on topics including Italian involvement in the Yellowcake forgery scandal and his work with Daniel Drezner on the political impact of blogging.[5].
He has written articles on blogging for Foreign Policy and The Chronicle of Higher Education [6] He has written for the Washington Post blog, Monkey Cage.Farrell has organized several on-line seminars on recently published books, including Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen J.
Dubner and Iron Council by China Miéville.
He is also frequently on BloggingHeads.tv in discussions with other media personalities.