Georgios Remoundos, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Georgios Remoundos

Greek mathematician and university professor

Date of Birth: 03-Mar-1878

Place of Birth: Athens, Attica Region, Greece

Date of Death: 27-Apr-1928

Profession: mathematician, university teacher

Nationality: Greece

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Georgios Remoundos

  • Georgios Remoundos (Ge?????? ?eµ???d??, 1878 in Athens – 27 April 1928) was a Greek mathematician and a founding member of the Academy of Athens in 1926. After graduating from the Varvakeio, he studied at the University of Athens and was given a government scholarship to study in France.
  • He studied at the École Normale SupĂ©rieure and then at the University of Paris, where he received in 1905 his Ph.D.
  • (Thèse de doctorat) with thesis Sur les zĂ©ros d'une classe de fonctions transcendantes. A post-doctoral student of Émile Picard, Remoundos published in French under the name "Georges J.
  • RĂ©moundos".
  • He was a professor of mathematics at the University of Athens.
  • He was a co-editor and co-founder, along with P.
  • Zervos, N.
  • Sakellarios, and K.
  • Lambiris, of the journal Bulletin de la SociĂ©tĂ© MathĂ©matique de GrĂ©ce, first published in May 1919 written about one-third in French and two-thirds in Greek.
  • Remoundos was three times an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians: in 1908 at Rome, in 1912 at Cambridge (England), and in 1920 at Strasbourg.

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