Juan Gómez-Jurado, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Juan Gómez-Jurado

Spanish writer

Date of Birth: 16-Dec-1977

Place of Birth: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Profession: screenwriter, writer, journalist

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Juan Gómez-Jurado

  • Juan Gómez-Jurado (born 16 December 1977 in Madrid, Spain) is an award-winning Spanish journalist and bestselling author.
  • Currently, he is a columnist in "La Voz de Galicia," and "ABC", distributed in Spain, and he participates in several radio and TV programs.
  • Translated into 42 languages, Gómez-Jurado is one of the most successful contemporary Spanish authors of all time along with New York Times bestselling authors Javier Sierra and Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
  • His writing has been widely described by critics as "energetic and cinematographic".Gómez-Jurado worked in many the most important Spanish media, like 40 Principales, Cadena Ser, Cadena Cope, Radio España, Canal + and ABC, before hitting the bestseller lists throughout the world with God's Spy (Espía de Dios), his first novel.
  • An instant bestseller in Spain, with rights sold in 42 countries to date and more than a million copies sold, God’s Spy is a contemporary thriller set in the Vatican, where, in the aftermath of Pope John Paul II’s death, the hunt for a serial killer reveals a chilling conspiracy. On 27 September 2008, Gómez-Jurado won the prestigious Premio de Novela Ciudad de Torrevieja for his latest novel The Traitor's Emblem.
  • Kirkus Reviews praised "The traitor's emblem": "riveting thriller with a redeeming love story".The latest book by Gómez-Jurado is the middle-grade space opera saga Alex Colt, Space Cadet, which became an instant #1 in Spain in the day of its release in Spain.

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