Lorraine Desmarais, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Lorraine Desmarais

Canadian musician

Date of Birth: 15-Aug-1956

Place of Birth: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Profession: composer, pianist, university teacher, jazz musician

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Lorraine Desmarais

  • Lorraine Desmarais C.M.
  • (born August 15, 1956) is a French-Canadian jazz pianist and composer.
  • Born in Montreal, she earned a B.Mus.
  • (1977) and M.Mus.
  • (1979) in classical piano at UniversitĂ© de Sherbrooke.
  • She studied with Armas Maiste at McGill University in 1978-79, and later took lessons from Kenny Barron in New York.
  • She has also been influenced by Chick Corea and Oscar Peterson. Desmarais has recorded ten albums as a solo performer and musical director, including several with well-known artists such as Michel Cusson and Michel Donato (Vision), Tiger Okoshi (Lorraine Desmarais), Don Alias (Andiamo), AndrĂ© Moisan, Jean Gaudreault and Ted Baskin from the Montreal Symphony Orchestra and Michel Bettez from the Orchestre MĂ©tropolitain (Bleu Silence), in addition to her long-standing team of FrĂ©dĂ©ric Alarie (double bass) and Camil BĂ©lisle (drums).
  • She has composed a number of pieces for herself and for other performers, including Oliver Jones and Angèle Dubeau.She has been teaching in colleges and universities since 1985, and is a jazz piano professor at the CĂ©gep Saint-Laurent in Montreal.Desmarais was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in 2012.

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