Prahlad Jani, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Prahlad Jani

Indian Sadhu

Date of Birth: 13-Aug-1929

Place of Birth: Mehsana district, Gujarat, India

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Prahlad Jani

  • Prahlad Jani (Gujarati: ??????? ????), also known as Mataji or Chunriwala Mataji, (born 13 August 1929) is an Indian breatharian monk who claims to have lived without food and water since 1940.
  • He says that the goddess Amba sustains him. Charada village in Mehsana district.
  • According to Jani, he left his home in Gujarat at the age of seven, and went to live in the jungle.At the age of 12, Jani underwent a spiritual experience and became a follower of the Hindu goddess Amba.
  • From that time, he chose to dress as a female devotee of Amba, wearing a red sari-like garment, jewellery and crimson flowers in his shoulder-length hair.
  • Jani is commonly known as Mataji ("[a manifestation of] The Great Mother").
  • Jani believes that the goddess provides him a liquid sustenance or water which drops down through a hole in his palate, allowing him to live without food or drink.Since the 1970s, Jani has lived as a hermit in a cave in the rainforest in Gujarat, awakening at 4am each day and spending most of his time meditating.

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