Jean L'Archevêque, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Jean L'Archevêque

French explorer, soldier and merchant-trader

Date of Birth: 30-Sep-1672

Place of Birth: Bayonne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Date of Death: 20-Aug-1720

Profession: merchant, explorer

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Jean L'Archevêque

  • Jean L'Archevêque (September 30, 1672–August 20, 1720) was a French explorer, soldier and merchant-trader.
  • One of the few survivors of the ill-fated French colony Fort Saint Louis (Texas), L'Archevêque, the son of a merchant-trader from Bayonne, France, indentured himself to merchant-trader Sieur Pierre Duhaut in order to participate in the expedition to find the colony.
  • L'Archevêque is known to have been the decoy that led René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle into an ambush in which Duhaut shot La Salle.
  • While Duhaut was killed by expedition members to avenge La Salle's murder, L'Archevêque escaped the same fate because he was viewed more favorably and was thought to be less guilty.
  • L'Archevêque was killed in 1720 near what is now Columbus, Nebraska by Native Americans of the Pawnee tribe during the Villasur expedition.

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