Blessed Enrico Rebuschini (25 April 1860 – 10 May 1938) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest and professed member from the Camillians.
Rebuschini was marked since his childhood as one who had an innate desire to tend to the poor and marginalized and felt the need to hand out his possessions to those less fortunate than himself.
But his father opposed his vocation to the priesthood and directed him to studies which he threw himself into in obedience to him.
But he felt dissatisfied upon working with his brother-in-law in the silk business and made a final plea to his father to become a priest.
His father relented and he commenced his ecclesial studies though in his life afterwards experienced several profound episodes of nervous depression that caused him to grow ill each time.Rebuschini died in the odor of holiness and had been renowned after his death as a saint which had led to calls for the launch of a beatification process.
The cause did indeed open sometime later and culminated in 1997 with his beatification.