Geissinger (born July 24, 1959) is a German technology business executive and Chief Executive Officer of Senvion S.A., a Hamburg based wind turbine manufacturer.
Geissinger is best known for his role as the Chief Executive of Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co.
KG, a technology conglomerate known for its bearing solutions and precision components for engine and transmission systems for automotive, as well as industrial and aerospace applications.
During Geissinger’s tenure as CEO, annual sales have risen more than fivefold.
Schaeffler AG, employing over 76,000 people across 180 locations in 50 countries, with annual sales of $14 billion, is also the controlling shareholder of Continental AG with 49.9% of its shares.Labor unions have labeled Geissinger a tough negotiator for saving costs.
The German business magazine Capital portrayed him as a "comeback kid" after he overcame the challenge posed by the difficult takeover maneuver in 2008 of Continental AG that found itself in peril once Lehman Brothers collapsed and global financial markets were sent into turmoil.
He holds a doctorate in engineering from the Fraunhofer Institute.