Prokar Dasgupta, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Prokar Dasgupta

Indian urologist working in London

Date of Birth: 19-Nov-1966

Place of Birth: Rourkela, Odisha, India

Profession: researcher, consultant, urologist

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Prokar Dasgupta

  • Prokar Dasgupta is Professor and Chair of Urology at King's College London, Guy's Hospital, King's Health Partners.
  • He was appointed as Consultant Urologist to Guy's Hospital in 2002 where he pioneered robotic urological surgery within the UK.
  • He is credited with developing the technique of injecting Botulinum toxin in overactive bladders.
  • He became the first Professor of Robotic Surgery and Urological Innovation at King's College London in 2009 and subsequently the Chairman of the King’s-Vattikuti Institute of Robotic Surgery.
  • In 2010 and 2018 he was named one of the top ten prostate cancer surgeons in the United Kingdom by the Daily Mail.
  • His main basic research interest is in the immunology of prostate cancer.
  • He has also contributed to educational excellence by leading surgical simulation within the UK and internationally.
  • He is the current editor-in-chief of the BJU International (BJUI). He was awarded the Fellowship of the Linnaean Society (FLS) in 2017 and the Fellowship of King’s College (FKC) in 2018.
  • He has raised funds and been a Trustee to a number of charities including the Malcolm Coptcoat Trust, The Prostate Cancer Research Centre, UK and The Prostate Cancer Foundation in Kolkata, India.

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