Erling Følner, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Erling Følner

20th-century Danish mathematician

Date of Birth: 18-Nov-1919

Place of Birth: Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

Date of Death: 10-Oct-1991

Profession: mathematician

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Erling Følner

  • Erling Følner (18 November 1919 – 10 October 1991) was a Danish mathematician known for the Følner sequence. Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (Danmarks Tekniske Højskole, DTH) in the period from 1954 to 1974.
  • Følner published a comprehensive survey of almost periodic functions with Harald Bohr, and continued with further studies on this topic in his doctoral dissertation.Følner is known internationally for the Følner sequence: a Følner sequence for a group is a sequence of sets satisfying a particular condition.
  • If a group has a Følner sequence with respect to its action on itself, the group is amenable.
  • A more general notion of Følner nets can be defined analogously, and is suited for the study of uncountable groups. Følner married Harald Bohr's daughter, Ellen Bohr (1923–1972).
  • His son, architect (and former employee of Jørn Utzon) Per Følner (1945-), co-founded the well reputed architectural firm Fogh & Følner.

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