James Vincent Murphy (7 July 1880 – 5 July 1946) was an Irish translator, writer, and journalist, who published one of the first complete English translations of Mein Kampf in 1939.James Murphy attended St.
Patrick's College.
He was ordained a priest at St.
Patrick's College Chapel in Maynooth, in 1905.
He left clerical service, and by 1920 was married and working as a journalist.
Before the Second World War he lived for some time in Italy and Germany.
James Vincent Murphy has been accused of translating the German word "Hakenkreuz" (Hooked Cross) which Nazis called their symbol, as "Swastika", a Hindu religious symbol signifying prosperity and wellness.
However, in European and Indo-European tradition the Swastika is the symbol of the cyclic nature of time and space.
The Swastika has been found throughout Europe and especially in Scandinavian Bronze age inscriptions.