Marwan Effendy SH, MH (13 August 1953 – 9 March 2015) was a prosecutor at the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia with his last position as Deputy Attorney General of Supervision or so-called (in bahasa: Jamwas) in the Indonesian Attorney General.
Marwan Effendy an attorney who was inducted into the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (in bahasa: Jampidsus) the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia at the time of the credibility of the Attorney General for Special Crimes section is being battered by the prosecutor alleged bribery Gunawan.
Marwan Effendy also an lecturer who teaches Trisakti University Graduate student (S2) areas of law.
On October 4, 2012, Marwan confirmed as professors are not fixed on Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi.