David Arthur Stotter (12 September 1949 - 17 September 2016) was a British philatelist who in 2008 was awarded the Crawford Medal by the Royal Philatelic Society London for his book The British Post Office Service in Morocco 1907-57.In 2003, the Royal Philatelic Society London selected him as the recipient of a Julian Chapman Memorial Scholarship to support his philatelic research .
In addition to his work as a philatelist, he ran his own business (Asia Consult Limited) from 2003 to 2014 .
From 1996 to 2001, he served as a Senior Consultant and Associate at Nextant (formerly Chem System, Inc.), an energy consulting firm .
He earned an M.A.
and a Ph.D.
in Chemistry from Churchill College at Cambridge University .
He attended Howardian High School in Cardiff in South Wales .
David was married to Felisa.