Hyman Witcover, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Hyman Witcover

American architect

Date of Birth: 16-Jul-1871

Date of Death: 02-Oct-1936

Profession: architect

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Hyman Witcover

  • Hyman Wallace Witcover (July 16, 1871 - October 2, 1936) was an architect in the United States.
  • He worked as a draftsman for Alfred Eichberg and eventually partnered with him.
  • Witcover went on to design Savannah, Georgia's city hall building, Germania Bank (built in 1904, later known as the Blun Building, demolished in 1975), Hicks Hotel (ca.
  • 1914), Scottish Rite Temple (1916), Liberty Bank and Trust (1915) and Bnai Brith Jacob synagogue.He designed one or more works in Savannah's Ardsley Park-Chatham Crescent Historic District.

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