Richard Ely Bird, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Richard Ely Bird

American politician

Date of Birth: 04-Nov-1878

Place of Birth: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Date of Death: 10-Jan-1955

Profession: judge, lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Richard Ely Bird

  • Richard Ely Bird (November 4, 1878 – January 10, 1955) was a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives for the 8th District of Kansas from 1921 to 1923.
  • Bird was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on November 4, 1878.
  • He moved with his parents to Wichita, Kansas in 1887 and attended the public schools there.
  • He was graduated from Wichita High School in 1898.
  • Bird later studied law and was admitted to the Kansas bar in 1901.
  • He opened his legal practice in Wichita.
  • In 1916 he became a judge of the district court of the 18th Judicial District of Kansas and was serving in that capacity when elected to congress during the Warren G.
  • Harding presidential landslide of 1920.
  • Bird unseated incumbent Democratic Congressman William Ayres by a narrow margin of 30,076 (49.4%) to 29,899 (49.1%).
  • Bird's victory meant that all eight Kansas congressional districts would be represented by Republicans.
  • Rep.
  • Bird would lose his reelection bid in 1922 by a margin of 37,581 (62%) to 22,721 (38%) against former Congressman Ayres and thus resumed the practice of law.
  • Bird ran once more for congress in 1928 against Rep.
  • Ayres but lost by a total of 46,117 (58%) to 32,802 (42%) despite the Herbert Hoover Republican landslide.
  • He retired from public life in 1937 and moved to Long Beach, California, where he died on January 10, 1955.
  • He is buried in Maplegrove Cemetery in Wichita, Kansas.

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