Wallace E. Oates, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Wallace E. Oates

American economist (b.1937)

Date of Birth: 21-Mar-1937

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States

Date of Death: 30-Oct-2015

Profession: economist, university teacher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Wallace E. Oates

  • Wallace E.
  • Oates (March 21, 1937 – October 30, 2015) was a Distinguished University Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland.He taught in the fields of public economics and environmental economics, and was considered a major international figure in both fields.
  • His first book was Fiscal Federalism (1972) and he authored numerous other books and articles, including The Theory of Environmental Policy (1975), coauthored with William J.
  • Baumol.
  • A Festschrift, Environmental and public economics : essays in honor of Wallace E.
  • Oates, was published in his honor in 1999, and an additional volume of his selected essays in 2004.
  • Another Festschrift, The Tiebout Model at fifty : essays in public economics in honor of Wallace Oates was published in his honor in 2006.He received his Ph.D.
  • in economics at Stanford in 1965 and joined the faculty at Princeton University.
  • He began at the University of Maryland in 1979.

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