José Câmnate na Bissign, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


José Câmnate na Bissign

Guinea-Bissauan Roman Catholic bishop

Date of Birth: 28-May-1953

Place of Birth: Mansôa, Guinea-Bissau

Profession: Catholic priest

Nationality: Guinea-Bissau

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About José Câmnate na Bissign

  • José Câmnate na Bissign (born Mansôa, 28 May 1953) is a Guinea-Bissauan Roman Catholic bishop.
  • He is the first native bishop of Guinea-Bissau. He was ordained a priest in Bissau, at 31 December 1982, aged 29 years old.
  • After the death of Settimio Ferrazzetta, he was appointed second bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bissau, at 15 October 1999.
  • He was ordained bishop of Bissau at 12 February 2000.He has been involved in the dialogue between the different political and religious groups in Guinea-Bissau.
  • He was one of the main proponents of the Commission Justice and Peace and of the Council for ecumenical dialogue, inter-religious and for the promotion of human dignity.

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