Wolf (born 12 September 1956) is a Computer Scientist known for his research in software engineering, distributed systems,
and computer networking.
He is credited, along with his many collaborators, with introducing the modern study of software architecture,
content-based publish/subscribe messaging,content-based networking, automated process discovery,
and the software deployment lifecycle.
Wolf's 1985 Ph.D.
developed language features for expressing a module's import/export specifications and the notion of multiple interfaces for a type, both of which are now
common in modern computer programming languages.
Wolf is Past President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Previously, he served as ACM's Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chair of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Governing Board, and Chair of SIGSOFT, the
special interest group in software engineering.
He has been an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology and
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
For his research and service, Wolf has been awarded numerous honors, including elevation to ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and
BCS Chartered Fellow.