Jules Piccard, also known as Julius Piccard (20 September 1840, in Lausanne – 11 April 1933, in Lausanne) was a Swiss chemist.
He was the father of twins Auguste Piccard (1884–1962) and Jean Felix Piccard (1884–1963), both renowned balloonists.
He studied chemistry at the University of Heidelberg as a student of Robert Bunsen, receiving his doctorate in 1862.
Shortly afterwards, he obtained his habilitation at the polytechnical institute in Zürich.
From 1869 to 1903 he was a professor of chemistry at the University of Basel.He made contributions in the field of food chemistry and in his research of cantharidin, dinitrocresol, chrysin and resorcinol.
He is also known for his studies involving the atomic weight of rubidium.