Nathaniel Macon, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Nathaniel Macon

Speaker of the House

Date of Birth: 17-Dec-1757

Place of Birth: Warrenton, North Carolina, United States

Date of Death: 29-Jun-1837

Profession: politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Nathaniel Macon

  • Nathaniel Macon (December 17, 1757 – June 29, 1837) was an American politician who represented North Carolina in both houses of Congress.
  • He was the fifth Speaker of the House, serving from 1801 to 1807.
  • He was a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1791 to 1815 and a member of the United States Senate from 1815 to 1828.
  • He opposed ratification of the United States Constitution and the Federalist economic policies of Alexander Hamilton.
  • Thomas Jefferson dubbed him "Ultimas Romanorum"—“the last of the Romans”. During his political career he was spokesman for the Old Republican faction of the Democratic-Republican Party that wanted to strictly limit the United States federal government.
  • Along with fellow Old Republicans John Randolph and John Taylor, Macon frequently opposed various domestic policy proposals, and generally opposed the internal improvements promoted by Henry Clay and John C.
  • Calhoun. An earnest defender of slavery, Macon voted against the Missouri Compromise in 1820.
  • In the 1824 presidential election, he received several electoral votes for vice president, despite declining to run, as the stand-in running-mate for William Harris Crawford.
  • He also served as president of the 1835 North Carolina constitutional convention. After leaving public office, he served as a trustee for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and protested President Andrew Jackson's threat to use force during the Nullification Crisis.

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