Karolin Margret Natasa, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Karolin Margret Natasa

Indonesian politician

Date of Birth: 12-Mar-1982

Place of Birth: Mempawah, Kalimantan, Indonesia

Profession: politician

Nationality: Indonesia

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Karolin Margret Natasa

  • Karolin Margret Natasa (born 12 March 1982) is an Indonesian politician who is currently serving as regent of Landak.
  • Previously, she had served as a member of the People's Representative Council. The daughter of two-term governor Cornelis M.H., she was first elected into office in 2009, being re-elected to the national parliament in 2014.
  • She is a graduate of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia.
  • In 2018, she ran for governorship of West Kalimantan, but lost to Sutarmidji.

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