Pavol Pavlis (born 12 January 1961 in Bratislava) is a Slovak politician, member of the Direction - Social Democracy (SMER- SD).
His political career dates from 2006 with an alternate work in the Slovak legislature and in the state administration of the Slovak Republic.
Pavol Pavlis graduated at the Bilíkova Gymnasium in 1980, and in the same year he enrolled in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava with specialization in Automated Systems of Technological Process Management [1].
During his undergraduate studies he took an internship at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
He started the professional career at the Research Institute of Computer Sciences based in Žilina in 1984 where he was a researcher and Head of the Department.
Subsequently, he worked for SLUVIS, foreign trade company, as Chief Executive Officer - Specialist.
Since 1992 he had been engaged in business activities, mainly at Port Service Bratislava, Ltd.
as Director of Company.
Between 2003 and 2006 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Property Fund of the Slovak Republic.