Avtar Singh Kang, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Avtar Singh Kang

Punjabi singer and Punjabi Folk contributor

Date of Birth: 26-Jun-1969

Place of Birth: Kultham, Punjab, India

Profession: singer

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Avtar Singh Kang

  • Avtar Singh Kang is a Punjabi singer and Punjabi Folk contributor.
  • He is also known as 'A.S.' Kang. Born to a Sikh family in Kultham village of Nawashehar district of Punjab now called SBS Nagar in Indian Punjab, Kang was educated in the Govt.
  • School for 14 years and then moved to U.K.
  • there he played Kabaddi for some time then recorded his first EP- Lut Ke Lehgai in 1978 in the UK which become a super hit.
  • This was the start of a new Phenomena, Kang was the first UK solo Punjabi artist to release an album.
  • He was also the first Uk artist to become international and get a record contract with HMV India.
  • He was also the first UK Punjabi artist to do a recording in India.
  • This recording was of the Giddian Di Rani Album with music produced by K.S.Narula ( father of Jaspinder Narula).
  • Gidhian di rani has gone on to become one of the biggest hit songs in the history of Punjabi music and made Kang a household name amongst Punjabi people.
  • Kang also became the first Punjabi artist to tour North America and many other countries.
  • He then went on to record many other hits songs including: Ashiq Tera, Lambharan Di Nau, Desi boliyan, Valeti Boliyan and Aish Karo.

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