Donald Symons, Date of Birth


Donald Symons

American anthropologist

Date of Birth: 05-Jun-1942

Profession: university teacher, anthropologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Donald Symons

  • Donald Symons (born 1942) is an American anthropologist best known as one of the founders of evolutionary psychology, and for pioneering the study of human sexuality from an evolutionary perspective.
  • He is one of the most cited researchers in contemporary sex research.
  • His work is referenced by scientists investigating an extremely diverse range of sexual phenomena.
  • Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker describes Symons' The Evolution of Human Sexuality (1979) as a "groundbreaking book" and "a landmark in its synthesis of evolutionary biology, anthropology, physiology, psychology, fiction, and cultural analysis, written with a combination of rigor and wit.
  • It was a model for all subsequent books that apply evolution to human affairs, particularly mine."Symons is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • His most recent work, with Catherine Salmon, is Warrior Lovers, an evolutionary analysis of slash fiction.

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