Alex Eskin (born May 19, 1965) is an American mathematician.
He is the Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago.Eskin works on rational billiards and geometric group theory.
For his contribution to joint work with David Fisher and Kevin Whyte establishing the quasi-isometric rigidity of solvable groups, he was awarded the 2007 Clay Research Award.Eskin was born in Kiev.
He is the son of a Russian-Jewish mathematician Gregory I.
Eskin (b.
1936, Kiev), a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.
The family emigrated to Israel in 1974 and in 1982 to the United States.Eskin earned his doctorate from Princeton University in 1993, under supervision of Peter Sarnak.
He has been a professor at the University of Chicago since 1999.Eskin gave invited talks at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin in 1998, and in Hyderabad in 2010.In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
In April 2015 Eskin was elected a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences.
In 2019 Alex Eskin won the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in mathematics for his classification of
{\displaystyle P}
-invariant and stationary measures for the moduli of translation surfaces, in joint work with Maryam Mirzakhani.