Joseph John Issa, Date of Birth


Joseph John Issa

Jamaican businessman

Date of Birth: 01-Dec-1965

Profession: businessperson

Nationality: Jamaica

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Joseph John Issa

  • Joseph John Issa, known as Joe or Joey Issa (born 1 December 1965), is a Jamaican businessman and philanthropist.
  • He is best known as the founder of Cool Group, which comprises over 50 companies. At age 30, Issa's first business venture was a petrol station named Cool Oasis, which was the catalyst for the Group becoming the largest Jamaican owned operator of petrol stations in Jamaica.
  • In 2003, he set up a telephone card distribution business called Cool Card.
  • Later, he extended the distribution business to include automotive and household products, among others, under the Cool brand.
  • Over the next decade, the Cool brand grew rapidly into a group of over 50 companies engaged in a wide variety of activities.

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