Robert Redeker, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Robert Redeker

French philosopher

Date of Birth: 27-May-1954

Place of Birth: Lescure, Occitania, France

Profession: writer, philosopher

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Robert Redeker

  • Robert Redeker is a French writer and philosophy teacher.
  • He was teaching at the Pierre-Paul-Riquet high school, in Saint-Orens-de-Gameville, and at the École Nationale de l'Aviation Civile.
  • He is currently in hiding under police protection. On 19 September 2006, a few days before the Islamic month of Ramadan, he wrote an opinion piece for Le Figaro, a French secular and conservative newspaper, which quickly removed the article from its public database.
  • In it, he attacked Islam and Muhammad, writing: "Pitiless war leader, pillager, butcher of Jews and polygamous, this is how Mohammed is revealed by the Koran." He called the Qur'an "a book of incredible violence", adding: "Jesus is a master of love, Muhammad a master of hate." That day's issue of Le Figaro was banned in Egypt and Tunisia.
  • Afterwards, Redeker received various death threats originating from one Islamist website (where he was sentenced to death; they posted his address and a photograph of his home).
  • He requested and was given police protection.
  • A man has been arrested because of a hate mail he sent to Redeker. On 3 October 2006 a group of renowned French intellectuals published "appel en faveur de Robert Redeker" (an appeal in support of Robert Redeker) in Le Monde, among them Elisabeth Badinter, Alain Finkielkraut, AndrĂ© Glucksmann, Claude Lanzmann (with the editorial staff of "Les Temps Modernes") and Bernard-Henri LĂ©vy.
  • They see their most fundamental liberties endangered by a handful of fanatics under the pretense of religious laws, and decry the tendency in Europe to avoid "provocations" in order to not anger supposed foreign sensitivities.
  • The vast majority of the "official" responses was, however, hostile to the ex-philosophy teacher - including France's 'Le Monde' who "characterized Redeker’s piece as “excessive, misleading, and insulting.”

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