Ed Krupp, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ed Krupp

American astronomer

Date of Birth: 18-Nov-1944

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Profession: astronomer, anthropologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Ed Krupp

  • Edwin Charles Krupp (born November 18, 1944) is an American astronomer, researcher, author, and popularizer of science.
  • He is also known as Ed or E.C.
  • He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of archaeoastronomy, the study of how ancient cultures viewed the sky and how those views affected their cultures.
  • He has taught at the college level, as a planetarium lecturer, and in various documentary films.
  • He has been the director of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles since first taking over the position in 1974 after the departure of the previous director, William J.
  • Kaufmann III.
  • His writings include science papers and journal articles, astronomy magazine articles, books on astronomy and archaeoastronomy for adults, and books explaining sky phenomena and astronomy to children. Krupp is a member of the American Astronomical Society and the International Astronomical Union, and has served in several divisions and commissions of both organizations.
  • He is also a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and a member of that organization's Council for Media Integrity.

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