Samantha Barendson, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Samantha Barendson

French poet

Date of Birth: 16-Apr-1976

Place of Birth: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalonia, Spain

Profession: writer, poet

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Samantha Barendson

  • Samantha Barendson (born 16 April 1976) is French poet, born in Spain to an Argentinian mother and an Italian father.
  • She currently lives in Lyon.
  • She speaks four languages and feel Franco-Italo-Argentinian.
  • She is selected by the European project "Versopolis" to attend several poetry festivals in Europe.
  • She is member of The union of poets who will die someday, whose purpose is to promote poetry for everyone and everywhere.
  • She received the French poetry "René Leynaud" award for her poetry book "Le citronnier" (The lemon tree) in March 2015.

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