Heron Carvic (born Geoffrey Rupert William Harris, 21 January 1913 – 9 February 1980) was an English actor and writer who provided the voice for Gandalf in the BBC Radio version of The Hobbit, and played Caiaphas the High Priest every time the play cycle The Man Born to Be King was broadcast.
As a writer he created the characters and wrote the first five books featuring retired art teacher Miss Emily D.
Seeton, a gentle parody of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple.
These were made available as eBooks in 2016.
Ten years after Carvic's death, his books were re-issued in the U.S.A.
and proved sufficiently popular for his Estate to commission further Miss Seeton stories from two other writers using pseudonyms with "HC" initials.
Roy Peter Martin as "Hampton Charles" wrote three novels, which were all released in 1990.
Sarah J.
Mason, writing as "Hamilton Crane", then took up the series.