José Antônio Saraiva, also known as Counsellor Saraiva (1 May 1823 – 21 July 1895), was a politician, diplomat and lawyer during the period of the Empire of Brazil (1822–1889).
He held the position of President of the Council of Ministers (post of prime minister) firstly from 28 March 1880 to 21 January 1882 and second May 6 May 1885 to 20 August 1885.
He was appointed by Emperor Pedro II to form a cabinet in the early hours of 16 November 1889, but did not assume the position because of the Republican coup d'état.
He was provincial deputy, provincial president, minister of foreign affairs, minister of war, minister of the navy, minister of the empire, minister of finance, senator of the Empire of Brazil from 1869 to 1889 and the republic from 1890 to 1893.
Author: Alberto Henschel (1827-1882) Source: Candido, Antonio. Um Funcionário da Monarquia: ensaio sobre o segundo escalão. Rio de Janeiro: Ouro Sobre Azul, 2002 ISBN 85-88777-03-7 License: CC-PD-Mark PD Old