Les AuCoin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Les AuCoin

American politician

Date of Birth: 21-Oct-1942

Place of Birth: Portland, Oregon, United States

Profession: politician, journalist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Les AuCoin

  • Walter Leslie "Les" AuCoin ( oh-KOYN; born October 21, 1942), is an American politician and the first from the Democratic Party to be elected to the U.S.
  • House of Representatives from Oregon's 1st congressional district, since it was formed in 1882.
  • The seat has been held by Democrats ever since.AuCoin's 18-year tenure—from the 94th United States Congress through the 102nd—is the sixth-longest in Oregon history.
  • In his career, AuCoin took a prominent role in abortion rights, local and national environmental issues, multiple use management of federal forests, and national security.
  • During the presidency of Ronald Reagan, he wrote the ban to stop Interior Secretary James Watt's plan to open the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf to oil exploration.
  • AuCoin was an early advocate of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and arms control with the Soviet Union, and a critic of U.S.
  • support for the Nicaraguan Contras and the rightist government of El Salvador in the 1980s.
  • At the time of his retirement in 1993, he was 84th in overall House seniority, dean of the Oregon House delegation, a majority whip-at-large, and a veteran member of the House Appropriations Committee. AuCoin was a two-term member of the Oregon House of Representatives from 1971 to 1974.
  • In his second term, he was House Majority Leader, at the age of 31.
  • He is a full-time author, writer, lecturer and occasional blogger.
  • AuCoin is a member of the ReFormers Caucus of Issue One.
  • He and his wife Susan live in Portland.

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