Viktor Halasiuk is a Ukrainian economist, president of the Ukrainian Association for the Club of Rome, Associate Fellow at the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS), Ph.D.
From 2014 to 2019 he served as a Member of the Parliament of Ukraine, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, co-chair of the U.S.
Caucus at the Parliament of Ukraine and deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Part of the Parliamentary EU-Ukraine Association Committee.
Halasiuk is a strong proponent of industrial and innovation development.
Ranked #2 among over 400 MPs by lawmaking productivity.
Drafted over 100 bills (over 50 passed), mainly focusing on improving investment climate, SME support, industrial development and export promotion of Ukraine.
Halasiuk has vast experience in corporate sector from 1998 till 2014, moving up from mid-management roles in consulting business to senior positions at the leading investment project and to chairing the Ukrainian Association for Innovation Development (UAID).
Halasiuk holds a bachelor's degree in accounting & audit (2002), master's degree in corporate economics (2003), and Ph.D.
in economics (2006) from Dnipro Polytechnic University.
In 2019 he joined the Institute for Applied System Analysis at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as an associate professor.
Research focus: economic policy, economic growth, sustainable development.