Nguy?n Chí Thanh (1 January 1914 – 7 July 1967) was a Vietnamese General in the Vietnam People's Army and former Vietnamese politician.
Nguy?n Chí Thanh was born in Th?a Thiên Province in Central Vietnam to a peasant family.
His original name was Nguy?n Van V?nh.
He joined the Indochinese Communist Party in the mid-1930s and apparently spent most of the Second World War in a French prison.
He worked for the Party in Central Vietnam until his rise to the Politburo in 1951.
During the First Indochina War Thanh was made a general of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN).
From 1965 until his death he served as the leading strategist and military commander of COSVN, the southern headquarters of communist military and political operations within the Republic of Vietnam.
In 1967, he presented plans for what was to become the Tet Offensive to the Politburo, but died shortly after receiving permission to implement his plan.