Teal Swan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Teal Swan

American spiritual teacher

Date of Birth: 16-Jun-1984

Place of Birth: Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

Profession: writer, cult leader, spiritual leader

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Teal Swan

  • Teal Swan (born Mary Teal Bosworth; June 16, 1984) is an American spiritual teacher and YouTube personality, who has self-published several books.
  • Critics of Swan have called her a cult leader and nicknamed her "The Suicide Catalyst" due to her diction on suicide as "the reset button," which some believe contributed to the suicides of two of her followers.
  • Her statements on suicide have been condemned by the American Association of Suicidology and the Parents’ Association for the Prevention of Young Suicide in the United Kingdom.

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